

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Our LIttle Home: Weekend Edition

I'm sitting in our little apartment; it's -13 degrees Fahrenheit, but it really feels like -39 degrees outside. It's been a chilly weekend outside, but it's been so nice and cozy inside.

(Friday morning before heading into school)

It was nice to be home from school on Friday and not have to go anywhere for most of the weekend. It was an exhausting what is a teaching couple to do? Be asleep by 6:45pm? Sure!

Saturday was lovely. :) I woke up feeling extremely refreshed. At 5am. Since my husband wouldn't let me go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. So I went at 7:30 instead.
Our dear friends Katie and Jon came over for supper on Saturday and yours truly made her first turkey! It was lovely to see this sweet couple. It was after their wedding reception that husband and I got engaged!

Today, we had a snow day! (of sorts) We woke up for church and most of our corner of the world was under a blizzard warning. So what do two adults do on a snow day? Make a fort of course! 

After one venture into the cold for groceries today, roads closed, homemade buns (which finally worked!), Oops! All Berries, tv with my husband, grading, coloring mah hair, and many many blankets makes for a lovely weekend.

I realize this was super boring. My bad. here are a few more photos to hopefully revive you.


(Oops! All berries)

I've got the day off tomorrow. Hopefully it'll all clear up by Tuesday! Sleep well!


  1. Half if your buns are buttered but the other half are not. And that leads me to think about buttered muffin references from "Mean Girls." I think I'm going to stop there and try to fall sleep myself... I DON'T have the day off tomorrow. :(

  2. Only half of your buns are buttered. That leads me to remember "buttered muffins" from "Mean Girls." I need to be done now.

    Wish I could join you for a bowl of cereal and tea!
