

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Summer by the Numbers {Link Up!}

Well, Aubrey and I decided to do another round of "By the Numbers"! This time, it's a summer edition. Before we get started today, I'd like to formally invite you to participate! If you're new here, welcome.

If you have a blog and would like to participate, this week we are looking at our summer plans. Aubrey did a list of 10 summer goals. I am doing 12 (12-ish weeks in the summer, so...). The only "rules" up here by grabbing the button and directing readers back here to find the other participants!

Now, you might be thinking, "But, I don't have a I can't participate." That's not true! If you want to post on Facebook, Twitter (might be kinda hard with character limits, but good for you!), Instagram, Google+, etc. please DO! Whatever your drug Social Media of choice, please do participate! The more the merrier.

We will be trying to do these link ups once per week...or twice per month.

Without further ado, my 2014 Summer Plans "By the Numbers"! 
[in no particular order]

1. Read 12 three books this summer. I'd LOVE to be able to read a book a week this summer. But I don't think that's very feasible. So, one per month will have to suffice. These three books do NOT include any "self-help" books. I intend to read The Total Money Makeover and change my money mindset. But these three books WILL be fun books.

2. Make a quilt! My brother graduated three years ago and I had a quilt done for him when he graduated. My sister graduates in two weeks and I don't even have enough fabric to make her a quilt! So...I need to step it up. Plus, then I can finally use my new sewing machine!

3. Teach 2nd-6th graders the basics of knitting and crocheting. I can't wait!

4. Go camping SO MANY TIMES with my husband, friends, family, etc. I can't wait to just get away for a weekend or week. Some relaxation time is much needed.

5. Get our apartment completely unpacked. We've been in our new apartment for 2 months now and we still have stuff in boxes. Hmmph.

6. In the same vein...I'd like to get our apartment decorated. Pictures need to get up on the wall, shelves, a guest room... The tasks are limitless.

7. Be 100% prepared for the start of school come the end of August. I know this is ambitious, but I'm going to try my darndest to figure it out. Even if it means extra hours and lots of reading (in addition to my aforementioned 3 books).

8. Spend some time with our niece and nephew. They'll be in the state around our (mine & hubs') first anniversary...they'll be a joy to spoil! *Sorry mom and dad!*

9. Take a "just because" trip with my husband. Last summer we were spoiled because we had our wedding and then took off for our honeymoon right after. This summer we'll have to be a little more proactive about saving our money to go on a trip.

10. Go to some baseball games. Redhawks anyone? Or the Twins (Joe Mauer)?

11. Get a sun tan and enjoy my time with friends! Last summer hubs and I lived an hour away from most of our close friends. This summer, they're literally 100 yards away from our back window! I have a new pair of rollerblades and I'm ready to hit the town! *not really, I just want to get in shape and spend time with friends in the process...hah*

12. Cook and bake A LOT. We planted some seeds last week. And they're growing like crazy! Check em out! I can't wait to use our fresh herbs, tomatoes, peppers, peas, cucs, etc in all of our cooking and baking. PLUS we have a nice mixer to use in making our own bagels. OH MY! I can't wait!

Alright, now that I've sufficiently bored you to death, thanks for sticking around! Again, I'd love to have you participate in our Link-Up! Just grab the button and add it to your summer list "By the Numbers"!

Oh, and if you're looking for something a little less...boring wordy, my speech for this year's Junior/Senior Prom banquet will be up before tomorrow is out!


  1. I'm so excited for summer too! It's gonna be the BEST!
