

Friday, December 18, 2015

Making Friends: Dating Edition

If you've been around here a while, you may recall this post. I just stumbled across it yesterday when I was looking at the stats on my blog. Someone ended up reading that from over a year ago. Crazy! And here's the thing, I didn't necessarily forget to write a follow-up post, but I didn't necessarily remember either. Sorry!

And as I promised at the bottom of that post, here's another installment of Making Friends. This time, it's the Dating Edition.

When Kyle and I started dating, we were transitioning from being friends into being...more than friends. It was an interesting scenario. We met sometime during the fall of 2009 while I was working at the Huges Fine Arts Center Music Library. Again, nerd much? I thought he was cute. So what did I do? I tried to figure out who he was. Duh.

As it turns out, he was a friend-of-a-friend. Okay. I know. Not the point.

Fast forward to February 2012. We started dating and we were trying to figure out how to make friends with others. I had my friends. He had his friends. We had our mutual friend group. How in the world could we make all three of those groups work together?!

It's chaos, I tell you.

Okay, it's not really. But what ended up happening is that we took turns spending time with different friends. Sometimes we would have a game night with my friends. Other times we would go out to eat with his friends. Even other times, we would make sure to see our mutual friends. And do you know what? Eventually my friends became his and vise versa.

It was magical!

The hardest thing for us as a couple, was making new friends entirely. Usually it would happen if one of us knew someone from work and we'd meet their S/O (significant other) and then we'd all be friends. This happened with Kyle's music colleagues.

The main thing that I recommend for making friends when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, is to be open to new relationships. Sometimes your S/O's friends really are cool. Sometimes your S/O will be wary of meeting your friends. If this is a relationship that you want to make work, be open to involving your man friend or woman friend in your life. He/she will greatly appreciate it.

Happy Friday, all! 
Next week is Christmas!! Woo!

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