

Monday, January 11, 2016

It's Birthday Time!

What a bad wife I am. I realized that I don't have a birthday post for my main squeeze from last year.

This will have to suffice.

At 27 years old, you are:

•detail oriented
•goal oriented
•a loyal friend
•a role model
•a loud snorer
•a book worm
•easily distracted
•easily entertained
•a goofball
•a doting uncle
•a loving brother
•a darling husband
•my best friend

There are so many things I could say about my husband, but those I'll probably save until his party tonight. But if you see him today, make sure to wish him a "Happy Birthday!"

We will celebrate with Paradiso and German Chocolate cupcakes.

Here's to a fabulous 27th year!

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