

Friday, March 11, 2016

Five on Friday: Projects

Linking up with A. Liz Adventures again for another round of Five on Friday. Feel free to join up!

Today let's take a look at the projects we need to get done before Baby E. arrives:

one | spare room

Obviously, we need to have somewhere for baby to sleep. BUT! For the first few months, baby will sleep in a cradle in our room (hopefully).  But here are some ideas that I've been loving for our "nursery"/spare room:

I desperately want a rocker like this:

And although I'm in love with these rooms...I know that it's really not plausible to have baby's room set up like this. I mean, really, we need space for company to sleep too. 
two | bathroom
Right now our main bathroom has a soaker tub (which is too small, cheap, and I hate it...another story for another time), a small vanity, and a toilet. When we moved in, the soaker tub had a shower nozzle/handle thing...but no mount for the wall...rendering the shower head completely useless to actually use for a shower. So. We put a mount on the wall and rigged up a 360 degree shower curtain.
Here's the thing. I'm so over it. The curtain clings to you. There's a huge window in the shower portion. I can't shave my legs efficiently because of said curtain. Oi. So....I asked Kyle if we could finish the bathroom this spring. He said probably (!). Yess!
Here's the tile I'm envisioning for the tub surround and for the floors.
No, this is not our shower...but I love this look.
And this isn't our bathroom...but it's the tile we want.

We are planning to do a majority of our tile shopping/purchasing at Lowe's. So far that's the place with the best price and variety.

three | our bedroom

Since we moved into our house, our room has been kind of a disaster. So, a few weeks ago we decided to do a bunch of straightening up and some rearranging. And now...we have a place for baby's cradle. I'm still not sure what we'll do for paint in our room. I just know that something needs to change. 

four | seedlings

I can't wait to get our garden started. Last year was our first attempt at our house...and hopefully we've learned some things so we can improve this year. Maybe this weekend will be the weekend where we start those seedlings. Maybe.

five | basement bedroom

Our basement bedroom is a disaster. If I thought our upstairs spare room was a disaster and catch-all...apparently I was sadly mistaken. I just went downstairs last night to survey the damage...and it's rough. Since I painted that room last summer, that's one less thing I have to worry about when we swap rooms. So, here's to hoping we can find space to store our misc. items and get this room in order before baby comes.

As always...

Happy Friday!

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