

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 19

This is a few days late, but hopefully this weekend/early next week I'll be on the ball enough to have a weekly update for you all.

How far along: 19 weeks--hard to believe our anatomy scan is next week!

Size of baby: The size of a mango!

Gender: Unknown--We'll start a poll here soon.

Nursery: It's currently a mess with a bunch of overflow from the rest of our house. The next few weeks will be filled with purging, painting, and set-up.

Movement: I felt the nugget's first obvious jab last Wednesday at lunch. Since then, s/he has been quite active. It's been so fun and so bizarre feeling someone moving around inside of me!

Symptoms: My pants continue to tighten and Monday night I had some wicked lower back pain--which I'm sure is from sitting on the floor assembling chairs, cleaning our room on my hands and knees, and moving furniture. Oops!

Sleep: Most nights are restful, but other times I'm tossing and turning like crazy. Before pregnancy, I was a back sleeper and it's been horrid to adjust to needing to sleep on my sides. I use a pillow between my knees to ease the pain in my hips when I wake up. But we're not even half way there and I'm already struggling. Here's to 21 more weeks!

Cravings: Not much. Definitely nothing out of the ordinary. Throughout this entire pregnancy I've been loving fruit (especially citrus). But the last week or so, I've continued to regain my appetite. Fortunately it doesn't take as long to be filled up, so I've ultimately been eating less than I did pre-pregnancy.

What I Miss: Not much. I do miss sleeping on my back, but otherwise I've been enjoying this time.

Best Moment this Week: Feeling Baby Entzel movin and groovin so much during our long weekend away.

Looking Forward to: Finally having Kyle feel the little nugget move. So far s/he has been just sharing the wiggles with me...when Kyle puts his hand on my stomach all of the wiggling stops. Little stinker! :) Oh--and also looking like I'm pregnant instead of just fat.

Our anatomy scan is this upcoming Tuesday, so say a few prayers that everything looks good and I'll try to have an update posted shortly after!

Happy Wednesday!

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