

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Week 21

Time is flying by and we're officially past the halfway point. We had our ultrasound last week...and no we didn't find out the gender. But things are getting a little more real up in here. If you're following along on IG, you already saw the post about the cradle arriving... So here's week 21.

How far along: 21 weeks

Size of baby: the same size as a pomegranate

Gender: There's a new poll in the right sidebar for you to take a guess!

Nursery: No progress there...yet. But the cradle is in our room and we just need to order a mattress for it.

Movement: #babyentzel is still a wiggle worm. S/he has definitely gotten stronger throughout the last week. S/he was moving so much at our ultrasound, that the tech had a hard time getting clear pics!

Symptoms: Still dealing with heartburn. No matter the time of day or what I eat, it's bound to show up at some point. Also, I can feel my hips starting to move...and it does not feel nice.

Sleep: Sleep is not quite as restful as it has been in the past. I took a 1 1/2 hour nap on Monday night and it felt awesome. But then when I wake up in the morning, everything ends up hurting. We've got a long ways to go...

Cravings: Not many (or any) really. I still really like carbs and my headaches stay away as long as I have my coffee in the morning. And I'm not complaining about the coffee in my routine. At. All.

What I Miss: I feel like a broken record, but I really do miss sleeping on my back. And I also miss having multiple cups of coffee each day...especially after a long day at work.

Best Moment this Week: Seeing our baby for the first time (and only time til birth)!

Looking Forward to: Finally looking pregnant AND finding daycare for this fall. Yikes!

Happy Wednesday!


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