

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 28

We've officially arrived in the third (say what?!) trimester and I know I've said it before...but it's hard to believe it's gone so fast! So now that I'm hitting the tail end of week 28, here's another little update.

How far along: 28 weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of an eggplant or a coconut

Gender: The poll is still going. Make sure that your vote counts! Speaking of voting...I'll have a contest around these parts soon...probably Monday.

Nursery: Kyle has the first coat of paint on the doors and we are getting to the point where he's working on the baseboards...

Movement: Constant movement.  Frequently I'll get a butt to the ribs...that's interesting.

Symptoms: Still pretty tired. I did manage to catch a cold last that's been adding to the exhaustion.

Sleep: I'm still sore if I sleep on one side all night...but depending on the night, I don't usually have to get up...yet.

Cravings: Not much for cravings...unless you count the fact that all fruit and all carbs are my jam.

Missing:Wearing pants for work. I have two pair of pants that I can still wear to work...the rest are just a touch too tight. So it looks like skirts, dresses, and leggings/tunics will be it for the next 4-ish weeks.

Best moment of the week: Getting my shower invites out! It would be a touch expensive if Aubrey had to mail them from BKK.

Looking forward to: Feeling like spring is finally here and that means school is almost done...and with the end of school comes summer, which means baby.

Catch ya tomorrow with another Five on Friday!

Happy Thursday!

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