

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Due Date, Baby!

Dear baby,

Today is your due date. And I've been warned. Warned that a due date isn't very accurate, nor is it something to focus on. It's really just a guess date of when you could be ready to join us.

But here's the thing. It's so hard to not focus on that date. July 24th. 40 weeks. Sunday. Leading up to your birth, everyone always asks, "So, when are you due??" And our reply is July 24. It's a day that your dad and I have looked forward to since November 19 when we first found out about you. We've longed for the day that we would get to hold you in our arms.

Selfishly, we even prayed and hoped that we would get to meet you prior to this day. But, God knows best.

Even typing this, I feel convicted that I'm disappointed that you're not here yet. I know I shouldn't wish away this time. I shouldn't long for days down the road. The reality is, life is easier when you're still inside. We have less planning to do in order to leave the house. We have fewer things to bring with us. I don't have to worry about making sure you're fed before we go anywhere or have anyone over, just in case. We can just pick up and go do something any time we want.


Even though our lives are about to change, we are excited for it.

You, little one, have been prayed for and cried over for many months. We prayed that you would join our family years before you were even created.

Your dad and I have looked at each other with anticipation every day since we knew about your existence. And while those days were filled with the "what ifs", they were also filled with the joy that we get to be your parents.

Now that today, July 24, has arrived--we eagerly await your day and time. The day and the time that God has set apart for you. Until you are born and until we are no longer here, your dad and I will pray for you and love you, no matter the situation.

With love,


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