

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Week 40

This week's pregnancy journal update is coming to you at 40 weeks and 3 days. D-day has come and gone and still no signs of baby's impending arrival. In case you missed it, I wrote a letter to Baby Entzel on Sunday, our official due date. You can find it here.

But now for this week's update.

How far along: 40 weeks (and 3 days)

Size of baby: the size of a watermelon or a beach ball

Gender: Unknown--take the poll on the right. Also, take the survey about baby here. Really...take the survey...someone will win a prize! Seriously...not many people have taken the survey and it's going to be easy for one of you to win!
**Hopefully this is the LAST chance for you to get your guesses in!!**

Nursery: The bathroom is almost we will get a nursery update going soon.
#babyentzel has his/her own timetable...for being active, for arriving, for everything...

Symptoms: Heartburn has been gone for a while and now the biggest symptom is sore

Sleep: Still interrupted with bathroom breaks...but definitely restful and I've been napping like I'm back in my first trimester.

Cravings: Not much for cravings, but my stomach is continually getting squished.
Motivation. Still.

Best moment of the week: Being home with Kyle and celebrating a new little baby for my friend Courtney.
Looking forward to:
Meeting Baby Entzel. Still. We have an appointment tomorrow and will hopefully know when we will meet baby if s/he hasn't arrived by then.

Happy Wednesday!


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