

Friday, December 16, 2016

5 things needed to survive sleep deprivation

*Linking up with A.Liz Adventures for Five on Friday!*

Lewis has been having a rough week. I think it's a combination of being at a new daycare (week 2) and teething. Poor little guy was so crabby on Tuesday night.

Since we've been lacking a significant amount of sleep in our house the last week or so, here are five things you're going to need to survive sleep deprivation with an infant.

*I'm no pro...this is our first go around, but here's what I've learned so far*

one | coffee, Coffee, COFFEE

This is a must! My dear friend, Ashley, just sent me a gift with my Lularoe order...a Starbucks gift card! *heart eye emoji* She's a momma and she knows the feels. I'm thankful for a Starbucks drive thru...kind of on my way to work.

two | snacks

Lately, my snacks have been oatmeal with peanut butter or granola bars. But some of my favorite healthy-ish snacks have been dried fruits and popcorn.

Homemade snacks are always a good option too...homemade trail mix, granola bites, or just easy veggies and dip.

three | snuggles

What helps more than snuggling with the very baby that keeps you awake at night? Not much. This meme says it all.

four | help

I'm thankful I have a partner that I can tag team with. Last night Kyle took Lewis for a while so I could try to sleep. And then Lewis started screaming and only wanted then it was my turn again.

five | cry

If none of these other things help, just cry. That's the last suggestion I have for you. I'll just say that it's not off the table in our house... Who knows? Crying might make you feel better.

Happy Friday! And we'll see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a chock-full of useful information. Insomnia for mothers has become very common, nowadays because they think a lot for their children care.
