

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Post-Holiday Self-Care

I'm not sure how many of you are currently riding out the holiday high, but we've got approximately 12 hours left of the Christmas excitement before life settles back into a good rhythm (hopefully). We had a great time with my family for Christmas. Lewis was very excited to be at Papa (pah-pah--grandpa) & Papa's (paa-paa--grandma) house.

But now that we are on the down swing, I'm starting to think about how to improve for this next year. What can I do to take care of myself?

A few of these things I'll be discussing in another post tomorrow, but for now, I'll turn it over to Julie Morris who is a life and career coach. She can be found over at and she is here to give a few ideas on what to focus on if you're needing to take care of yourself. 

Request the Gift That Makes You Better

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

You can’t really take care of other people until you have taken care of yourself. Psychologists 
agree that listening to your inner child and being aware of your own emotional needs is necessary 
to mental health.

If you are resistant to the notion of self care, know that experts agree it is necessary to your 
self esteem. And self esteem is what makes us successful in our careers and relationships.

You can create a wish list that focuses on your desire for self improvement and self care. 
Here’s how.

Books and classes

No matter how you wish to evolve, there is a book or class that will help you get there. You may 
already have in mind some of the books you would like to read, but if you are looking for ideas, 
here are some suggestions:

1. Living Like Ed--a  book for people who want to shrink their carbon footprint, written by 
Ed Begley, Jr., a leading spokesperson for carbon neutrality.

2. All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten--a classic of inspirational writings.

3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven--a good book for people guided by religion and belief 
in the afterlife.
4. The Power of Positive Thinking--for readers who want to improve social skills and self awareness.
When it comes to classes, many studios offer exercise classes that meet anyone’s need to get in 
shape. You can take exercise or art classes at the local YMCA.

Local community colleges and adult learning centers also offer a wealth of classes for those who wish 
to improve their knowledge or abilities. If you can identify a specific class you would like to take and 
the place you can take it, that will make it a lot easier for those giving you gifts.

Maybe you feel that writing in a journal is the best path to self discovery. You’re right about that. 
Journaling has been credited with everything from improving your IQ to helping you manage 
negative emotions more effectively.

So consider putting a high-quality journal with a beautiful cover on your wishlist and possibly a 
pen set.

Gifts of Relaxation

If your idea of self care is to spend a day at the spa, getting a massage and sitting in a hot tub, 
ask for that. Other good gifts that restore body and soul are:

1. Essential oils--good for everything to cooling you down on a hot day to taking your mind off 
your problems.

2. Leg, head, and neck massaging tools--Some massagers are electrically powered while others 
are designed to be used manually by you or someone you trust. 

3. Bath salts or bubble bath--perfect for diving deep into your bathtub and meditating on the 
meaning of life. 

4. Scented candles--they just make everything better!

5. Aromatherapy sticks--they’re portable, allowing you to de-stress almost anywhere, 
including your car.   

6. Herbal tea--it comes in a multitude of flavors and colors; some of the more exotic are 
lavender and rose hips.

Gifts that make you healthier

Your heart’s desire this year might be to become more fit. Working out helps treat a number 
of things like high blood pressure, anxiety and even addiction recovery. Feel free to ask for gifts 
that will help you eat better and get more exercise.

 These things might include:

 1. A meal delivery service specializing in whole foods and foods low in fat and carbohydrates.

2. Gift certificates to a vegetarian restaurant.

3. Running or walking shoes.

4. Workout equipment like barbells and ankle weights.   

5. Fitness monitoring tools, like pulse and heart rate monitors, step counters, etc.

In short, by crafting your wish list carefully, you can get what you need to start your journey 
toward the well-cared for person you wish to be. 

Thanks, Julie for sharing today! I hope you have some new inspiration for self-wellness this 
upcoming year. And don't forget to check in tomorrow, I'll be sharing our self-wellness decisions 

Now, what are you going to ask your family for?

Happy Thursday!

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