

Monday, March 12, 2018

On Healing...

This is a post I prayed that I'd never have to write. Many of you were around during my pregnancy with Lewis. You prayed for us and you celebrated with us.

When I wrote a few months ago about changes in our lives, many of you contacted me and said you were sure I was going to announce a pregnancy. And my goodness, how I wish you had been right. The alternative is oh, so heartbreaking.

The reality is that 1 in 4 women will experience a miscarriage at some point in their life. And we don't talk about it. 1 in 4. I'm still not sure how much I'm ready to talk about it. But the more we talk about loss, the less stigmatized it becomes. The more we talk about it, the easier it is for other women to find support and healing.

I was pregnant one week. And the next, I wasn't.

It's still fresh and we're still raw. But we know this isn't the end of our story. We are praying for our rainbow and cling to our hope in Jesus that He will fulfill the desires of our hearts.

During this time, I've been loved on and supported by some women close to me. Some know what it's like to lose a baby you desperately love and want. And others who know how our heart aches for that baby we'll never get to hold.

If you have ever experienced a miscarriage, I am here for you. My heart breaks for you.


  1. I'm so sorry Kelly! I lost our 4th child at 16 weeks along so I can relate. The loss is very real and many don't understand it unless they have experienced it. Now those who lose a baby at 4 months have a service and a grave. I did not really have that option. I think about that baby just about every day.

  2. I'm so sorry Kelly! I lost our 4th child at 16 weeks so I understand. Nowadays, many will have a funeral or service but I didn't have that option. I think about that baby just about every day. Someday I'll meet that baby.
