

Friday, February 13, 2015

Five on Friday

I've never participated in a Five on Friday--so I figured today is as good as any!

1. Seriously. Pretty!

Kyle asked what I wanted for Valentine's Day. I said flowers. At work. So he dropped off these beauties for me today. He's a good one.

2. I cannot wait for supper tomorrow night...

A Valentine's Date with some of our good friends?! Why didn't we think of that sooner? We are ordering cheesy fried pickles and the world will be good.

3.  I'm currently working my way through this:

I'm still unsure how I feel about it. I'll let you know. But check over here and especially here for our book club details.

4. I'm not sure what my weekend will look like (other than tomorrow--see #2)...but I do know I'll have plenty of grading to do. Yikes. Pray for me?

5. We've been blessed with a warm day today! It's 12 above zero! (it does feel like -4, but who cares) At least it's not as cold as yesterday! So I'll bask in the warmer temps and wait until it dips below zero air temp again.

Until then...

Happy Friday!

I'm linking up over here so go check it out.


  1. Seriously. Still never been to the Toasted Frog. This must change in June.
