

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Glass Menagerie and other stuff.

Because I'm the worst. That's why.

Oh, you didn't ask why it's taken me so long to get this post up? My bad.

And so here's the thing. I'm not entirely sure what I was anticipating (fair warning, these questions will probably not be in order). I guess I was anticipating something that I'd love. I've heard so many great reviews--raves, if you will--about this play. I guess, like Aubrey, I was anticipating something along the lines of A Streetcar Named Desire. There's just something that stuck with me after reading and watching Streetcar. With The Glass Menagerie, I didn't feel a whole lot. And because I love reading plays and watching plays...I was left wanting.


But, I'm always in search of a connection with a character. I really did want to connect with someone so when I didn't really connect with anyone in Menagerie, I was left a little empty. As I'm writing this, I wonder if that's the point? Was I supposed to feel empty while reading the play just like Laura? She seems like such an empty and fragile character--just like her menagerie. A stretch? Maybe.

Okay, now this is the thing. I still am struggling to write this post because I wasn't very invested in this play at all. I had other things I would've rather been doing while reading. Poor Tennessee Williams. I loved Streetcar, but your Menagerie was not my cup of tea. Sorry to those of you who loved it. I cannot join you. Maybe I'll read it again one day and I'll change my mind. I'll let you know if that happens. But until then, I'm going to give A Glass Menagerie 1.5 stars out of 5. (mostly because I feel bad for not liking it)

But...on a happier note! We've got another book coming up this month! I'm behind, but Aubrey is the one hosting for March. So stay tuned for her questions, our discussions, and now get reading

Wuthering Heights!

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