

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

21 Day Fix: What is it?

Here's the thing. I've struggled with exercise and portion control for years. I don't like exercise and I usually eat until I'm full. Unfortunately, that's not been a good habit to fall into. I just keep giving myself excuses to eat what I want and not exercise as much as I'd like.

Well, this summer a friend and I both decided to try Beachbody's 21day Fix. It's not a diet, it's a meal plan and a workout regimen. You get portion control containers and a booklet to help you get started. There are lists of foods that are better for you and which foods qualify for each container. There are also 2 workout DVDs. There are 7 workouts (one for each day of the case you didn't figure that one out) and they're only 30 minutes long. It's hard to complain about only 30 minutes...especially since I could have another tv show on at the same time.

One thing I couldn't get past was the fact that it's $60+ and I had to spend more money to buy the Shakeology meal replacements at $130! Yikes.

But the more I tried to talk myself out of it, the less ground I had to stand on. Yes, I'm spending $130 on a meal replacement for only myself for only one month. BUT! I'm also going to be spending less money all around on groceries, because we'll be eating healthier all month long. Instead of buying snacks, we were buying carrots and eating cucumbers right out of our garden.

The skinny is, in order to feel better about myself and have a better attitude, I had to change something. Thank goodness for my supportive husband, because he said, "Go for it! If it's going to help you feel better, that's what's important." So. I did.

And I'm so glad I did. I've completed two rounds since July and while it's hard to stick with it, I've felt better each time.

If you want to know more about the 21day Fix, let me know. I'm more than happy to talk to you about it. And in a few days/weeks, I'll be sharing a few of my favorite recipes with you!

It's snowy and chilly here, so I hope that tea and blankets are on the agenda for the evening.

Happy Wednesday!


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