

Monday, November 30, 2015

One Last Chance

Oh man. Not only has it been ages since I've posted anything here (10 days to be exact), but I've also dropped the ball with our Second Chance Book Club. I was supposed to be writing and discussing The Catcher in the Rye with you, but unfortunately that didn't happen.

So. That being said, Aubrey is going to host our final Book Club of the year. She's going to be discussing A Christmas Carol on December 26. Check out her newest post for more details.

Also, please take our survey for next year's Book Club! This year we (clearly) focused on classics and even though we didn't make it through all of them, we still enjoyed our time.

This next year, 2016, is a time for us to explore other genres and styles than we have previously read. When you take the survey, don't be afraid to suggest specific titles you'd like to read. If you're a fan of certain time periods, don't hesitate to request those! I know there are some books on our list already that focus around WWII. If you love graphic novels and there's a new one you want to read, suggest it!

We will try our best to accommodate something from all of the surveys. If we don't, please don't hold that against us. We're trying our best!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know and we'll do our best to get back to you in a timely manner!

On that note, HAPPY MONDAY!

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