

Friday, May 20, 2016

Five on Friday

Here we are with another round of Five on Friday with A. Liz Adventures! Like most of my other posts, there will be lots of things baby...but you can find that out for yourself.

one | Contest!

I told you I'd have a contest for you. Please limit your responses to one per person. And go!

two | Baby Shower

I'm getting so excited for the baby shower Aubrey is hosting for me. It's a fiesta I'm hoping for some virgin margaritas (!) and nachos. We'll see what she's got planned.

three | Food

In case you missed my post on Monday, I put up some of our favorite recipes right now. And if you really missed it...I posted a pic of the salmon I made on Tuesday night.

It's with the honey, soy sauce glaze I wrote about in Monday's post. So. Good. And it was on the grill!

four | School

Only nine more school days and we can all taste it. Summer is well on its way to us and it's within our grasp. Unfortunately, we still have nine more school days to go. The last three won't be so bad, but next week will go one of two ways: 1. it draaaaagggggssss on and feels like it's going to last forrrreeeevvveeeerrr or 2. it's going to fly by and we won't know what hit us.

I've received five graduation invitations so far...four from my students at my previous school and one from my current school. I feel bad that I won't be able to attend any parties tonight from my previous school, so I decided to do a girls' brunch at my house.

Good idea or no?

five | Marathon Weekend

It's going to be nuts around here this weekend. Grand Forks is hosting Florida Georgia Line and Fargo is hosting their annual Marathon. I've got a friend from Northwestern who is going to come stay with us tonight before the Marathon tomorrow. I'm so excited to see her! It's been years (probably since my wedding) since we've been together!!

And if you're ever interested in running a marathon, I've heard the Fargo Marathon is the shiz.

Happy Friday!

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