

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Week 30

How is it possible that we've only got 10 (ish) weeks to go?? Yikes!

How far along: 30 weeks (WHAT?!)

Size of baby: the size of a cabbage, a zucchini, or a cantaloupe

Gender: Unknown--take the poll on the right.

Nursery: Still not much progress being made. Kyle purchased the trim for the door this last now we've got to get another coat of paint on the walls.


Suuuper tired. I've taken a nap almost every evening/afternoon over the course of the last week.

I'm still sleeping okay and I've been sleeping like a rock. I usually get up around 1:30 for a bathroom run, but otherwise...that's it.

I guess my love of fruit is consistent and strong enough that I can call it a craving. Blueberries. Strawberries. Melon. Pineapple. Bananas. (Not apples though)

Two things: being able to button my pants and being able to shave my legs without almost tipping over.

Best moment of the week:
Passing my 3 hour glucose test on Monday! Last week I took my 1 hour glucose test and failed by 6 points (SIX POINTS!!). My blood sugar needed to be at or below 135...and mine was 141. UGH. Tears were shed last week. So my Monday morning was spent sitting in the hospital lab. But I got the call in the afternoon that I "passed all four draws with flying colors". So that's been a relief!

Looking forward to:
The baby shower that Aubrey is throwing for me in a MONTH!! Again, how is time flying?!

And you can bet a good dollar that I'll be back next week to share what else is going on over here.

Happy Wednesday!


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