Linking up with
April over at for another round of
Five on Friday. So today I'm going to talk about five products I've ordered from Amazon lately and what I'm excited about, what you
should buy, and what's not worth it. Here we go!
one | Squooshi
These are reusable baby food pouches that I found on a Lightening Deal a few weeks back. I had been doing some research and was waiting to purchase any, but when these popped up on the daily deals, I knew I had to snatch them up. I just filled the first one yesterday with cinnamon squash. Unfortunately, Lewis was too tired last night to have supper with us. Hopefully we can try it this evening. All that to say, I'm excited to see how these go.
two | Nuby Gum-eez Teethers
Lew has been teething something fierce lately so I thought we'd get him a few more things to chew we tried
these. He's not entirely sure what to think. I figured it would be a complete fail since he
does not like a pacifier. But, so far he's been intrigued. He doesn't chew on them very long and he likes chewing on the handle the we'll see what happens.
three | "Veggie Spiralizer - Best Vegetable Maker, Spiral Slicer, Terrine Maker and Shredder You'll Ever Use!"
*not impressed*
A friend, Hi Jess!, shared a zoodle Pad Thai recipe with me a month or two ago and I immediately wanted to try it. I need to be better about consuming fewer carbs and upping my protein so that I start feeling better. So, we thought we'd give it a try. We borrowed a friend's spiralizer and decided that we needed one. This one was cool and reasonably priced AND the reviews were great! Into cart. Checkout. Wait two days. Try it. Never again. We were so not impressed with this. The arm for the crank was weak and it was almost impossible to spiralize sweet potatoes. The only thing that worked okay, was spiralizing zucchini. Also, the blades don't come apart so it's super hard to clean. I think Kyle has cut his finger every time so far. All in all, this went back and our money was returned. Not worth it.
four | Nuby Sippy Cups
worth it*
I also bought
this as a "let's try it and see what happens" sort of deal. It was an add on for less than $4, so I figured, why not. It comes with two different spouts/nipples, so we tried both. At first, Lewis was interested in it because I had the bottle type nipple attached. Then when he realized it wasn't milk, he didn't care for it. So I switched it out for more of a sippy cup type spout. The cup does spill if you don't get the cover on straight, but once we got that figured out, we were good to go!
five | Black + Decker Personal Coffee Maker
worth it*
I'm SO glad I bought this. We are faithful pour-over coffee addicts in our house. Kyle has been using the pour-over system for years and I've been using it since we got married. But here's the thing, sometimes you want coffee and you want it fast. I'm not a huge fan of the Keurig, because I want to have fresh coffee that isn't awful for the environment when you throw the grounds/pods away. With a baby we usually don't have any extra time in the mornings, so to heat up water in the tea pot and then continually be keeping an eye on our coffee to make sure we keep pouring or to make sure it doesn't about annoying and time consuming. Enter Black + Decker. Kyle mocked me for buying this, but I needed
something for weekday mornings. It's nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done and it only takes a few minutes to brew coffee. We've been using ours for almost two weeks now and it was the best $19 we've spent in a long time...and right now it looks like it's only $16 and change! If you only make 17 cups of coffee with it, you're still saving money.
Happy Friday!