We seriously love our families. Our dads and our moms. And our siblings.
Husband and his sibs might pick on their youngest sister incessantly, but they really do love her.
*I think*
Our parents have been wanting to get together for the last year (since our wedding), but schedules have never really allowed. So we (hubs and I) thought it would be fun to have everyone over for Fathers' Day. So, we did.
Not only did we have family over for lunch, but my parents were here for breakfast too! We had a full day of family, food, and fun. *Yes, I did need to add alliteration here. Don't judge.*
We're going to do a "By the Numbers" post to show what all went down.
Fathers' Day 2014
2 meals
12 caramel rolls
1 pineapple
8 people
8 pork chops
1 easy marinade
1 new grill
7 potatoes
4 lbs of potato salad
1 spinach salad
2 dads
2 siblings
3 couples
2 gift certificates
1 grill
4 veggies
1 fruit trifle
countless laughs
It was a great day with parents and siblings alike. Dads, if you're reading this. Please know how much we love you. We wouldn't be the individuals nor the couple that we are. You've shown us how to behave as functional people, as mature Christians, as a spouse in a loving relationship, and as a parent. We admire you and love you more than words can say.
To round out the day, my husband let me take a nap on the couch and he even drove me to Five Guys Burgers and Fries for supper...at 9:45 at night.
So that will about wrap up my "By the Numbers" post for today. Check back here to see the marinade recipe I used for our pork chops and the cheesy potato recipe too!
Hope everyone else had a lovely Fathers' Day. And as usual, please feel free to link up with me for your own "By the Numbers" post. Grab the button and link back here.

I think I might be a bad person because the thing that got me the most excited in this post was the Five Guys cup. I'm so glad you had such an enjoyable weekend with your family!