How far along: 24 weeks
Size of baby: Around the size of a cantaloupe, a GI Joe, or a large zucchini
Gender: Take the poll in the right hand sidebar to cast your vote! Also...send me an email or leave a comment because I'm just curious like that.
Nursery: Kyle moved the bed from our nursery/guest room into the basement bedroom and all that's left in baby's room is a dresser and the crib. Then it's painting soon!
Movement: Baby is moving with stronger jabs lately. It's fun to see my shirt jump as s/he kicks or wiggles.
Symptoms: Heartburn and I'm starting to get more tired again. Hopefully that's just because I have a cold.
Sleep: I wish I could say I'm sleeping through the night still, but I was up once Saturday night, twice Sunday night, and _______xs last night. And I'm extra warm when sleeping. Unfortunately for Kyle, I inadvertently use the blankets as a barrier between us in the middle of the night to block some of his body heat.
Cravings: Not much. Does sleep count?
Missing: Lots of coffee and a beer would be nice.
Best moment of this week: Realizing that, even though 24 weeks seems like it's not that close to 40 weeks, but when I count down that there are only 16 weeks's going to fly by. I remember when I was only 6 weeks and I was itching to tell everyone. That time has flown by.
Looking forward to: Still waiting on some babies....AND Aubrey has been working diligently on Baby Entzel's shower coming up in June! So, that'll be fun too. :)
Thanks for stopping by and as always...
Happy Wednesday!

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